This is Our Project

GI Project at Ampenan Mataram, we test commissioning for Secondery Injection, Function Test, and Primary Injection

Troble Shoot

We are experience for trouble shoot, repair, or new wiring for panel maker

Panel Commissioning

we have experience for commissioning panel LV, MV, or HV Befor energize or trouble shoot

Wiring Connection

We are experience for wiring connection for new panel

Relay Protection

This is Our Project at PLTG Gunung Salak for test relay Protection with our customer PT.CHEVRON

Check Wiring Panel

We are experience for check incorrectly wiring

Commissioning befor energize

This is Our Project at PLTU rembang with our customer PLN and Zelan Priamanaya Tronoh "ZPT"

Leakeg Current

We are experience for test leakeg current

Secondary Injection

We have experience for test secondary Injection, Relay Protection, Etc

Maintenace TATA JABAR

27 - 28 August 2011 We have order from PT. Schneider Electric for secondary relay test at TATA JABAR Purwakarta.


We have order test commissioning 88 panels from PT. BUAKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA for Chevron Project
Scope of Work:
- Wiring Control test (Function test)
- Megger (Leakage test)
- Hi-Pot Test 2.2KVa
see photo below:

Hi-Pot Test 2.2 KVa

Megger Test

Primary Injection at Schneider Electric Factory

Primary Injection test at SEI Factory EGIP Cikarang, Click Pic for Zoom Version

Hi-Pot at PT. Cargill Indonesia

Photo Documentation Hi-Pot 120KVa at PT. Cargill Indonesia, Click Picture for zoom version


PT. MULTI SARANA ENGINEERING is engineering services, commissioning and trading company specialized in the Electrical. The company was formed on 2010 based in Bekasi.

We realize that PT. MULTI SARANA ENGINEERING was formed on one year ago. Howaver, we as the founder was have much experience in some line with core business of PT. MULTI SARANA ENGINEERING.

Therefore, the entire projects that have been done by us from the aspect of project management, engineering, procurement and commissioning, we claim as our company experiences and our intangible assets.

Your satisfaction is our concern

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